The Counselor Educator Academy
The Counselor Educator Academy
has created a free video resource:
"Bridging the Gap: Career Counseling Theory to Practice"
See details below.
Do you teach or plan to teach the Career Counseling and Development course in a master’s counselor education program? If yes, NCDA has a great opportunity for you: The Counselor Educator Academy.
Academy Overview:
The Counselor Educator Academy (CEA) is available for select counselor educators, instructors, part-time faculty, and advanced doctoral students who teach or plan to teach a graduate level Career Counseling course. The purpose of the CEA is to support your work teaching our future counselors about their role in career-related counseling, provide tools you can use in your work, and progress the field of teaching career counseling.
The 2025 CEA will continue to build off the outstanding progress and projects of the previous CEA cohorts by focusing on the intersection of counselor education and career counseling. Participants hear from career counseling experts, share ideas, and revise their existing syllabi. CEA participants also commit to engaging in a project to serve others teaching the Career Counseling course.
- Faculty or doctoral students in counselor education with an interest in learning best practices in teaching their assigned graduate level career counseling course
- Participants must:
- Attend and participate in the full 1.5 day Academy
- Register for and attend NCDA's Annual Global Career Development Conference
Important Details:
- The next CEA takes place at the 2025 NCDA Global Career Development Conference, June 16 & 17 in Atlanta, GA (prior to the start of the conference)
- Participants may receive a stipend to help offset costs (tbd)
- Full participation and attendance to the conference will be required.
- Each cohort is encouraged to present at the following year's NCDA conference on projects completed during their year of service.
Application Deadline: November 15, 2024
We will notify those selected to participate no later than February.
List of all CEA Participants since 2015.
CEA alums generously shared their syllabi and favorite assignment descriptions. Counselor educators and NCDA members who want examples for their own teaching are welcome to use these documents (available under Members Only: Resources).
CEA alums have contributed various articles to Career Convergence, such as Intentionally Integrating Career Counseling Research, Practice, and Activities into Counseling Courses
The Counselor Educator Academy (2018 cohort) has created a free video resource:
"Bridging the Gap: Career Counseling Theory to Practice"
The goal of the video series is to help instructors, practitioners, and graduate students understand how theoretical frameworks can be applied in real-world counseling. Inspired by the renowned "Gloria Films" of 1965, which showcased multiple psychotherapy approaches with the same client, this project follows a similar structure. See the flyer below for details.
Access this new resource below or in The NCDA Hub if you are interested in receiving two Continuing Education credits (2 CEs) for $35.
Theory To Practice - Video links
CE flyer:

NCDA Counselor Educator Academy – 2020 Survey Results
In spring 2020, Melinda Gibbons and David Ford, CEA co-coordinators, sent out an online survey to all CEA alumni. Our goal was to learn how participating in the CEA impacted teaching of the graduate level career counseling course. Questions focused on the impact of CEA participation on teaching career counseling course, impact on students, what participants liked best, what they would change, their experiences with the CEA cohort project, and other suggestions. The results are included below:
CEA Alumni Survey Results Spring 2020
22 participants (out of 58 possible) = 38% response rate
Members from all 5 cohorts responded
91% (n=20) of respondents found significant value in participating in the CEA
Those who found value noted:
- Improvement to their own career counseling course
- Provided additional and practical resources
- Opportunity to collaborate with others teaching course
- Made career counseling course more active and engaging for students
- Felt more empowered/increased self-efficacy to teach the course
- Felt their students benefited
- more engaged
- appreciated practical information
- better understood relevance of course
- felt more positive about importance of career-related issues
- appreciated faculty connection to field
- Favorite parts of CEA
- networking
- developing close relationships with cohort
- idea sharing
- expert guest presenters
- Overall feedback/suggestions
- keep having it
- worthwhile experience
- amazing program
- create an opportunity for past cohorts to come together at conference
- make it longer
Need More Information about CEA?
Contact Chair Arden Szepe or Co-Chair: Jackie Peila-Shuster
See the CEA Annual Report 2022-23 or the CEA Mid Year Report March 2023