
Working with Neurodivergent Clients, Part 1: How Career Practitioners Can Support the Job Search

By Ashley Cross

The terms neurodiversity and neurodivergence were coined in the 1990s by Judy Singer, an autistic rights activist and sociologist (Khaliq, 2023). These concepts have gained traction in recent years, normalizing neuro-cognitive differences in how individuals perceive and engage with the world, instead of classifying them as learning disabilities, psychological disorders, or other neurological conditions. It is estimated that 10-20% of the global population is neurodivergent (Mahto et al., 2022). Several diagnoses that fall under neurodiversity include autism, ADHD, dyslexia, mood disorders, Tourette syndrome, and traumatic brain injuries.

Understanding Neurodivergent Client Self-Identification

To create a mutually respectful and trusting relationship, practitioners should ask if their clients have a preference for self-identification. Some might identify as neurodivergent (ND), while others may refer to themselves as disabled, living with a disability, or not attach themselves to either label. Others might not be ready to disclose.

If a client self-discloses as ND, there are some questions practitioners can ask to further guide the conversation:

Common ND Challenges in the Job Search

ND clients face several challenges in the job search and interview process that can carry over into the workplace. Some of these issues include:

NDs tend to compensate for these challenges by adopting skills such as:

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Supporting ND Clients During Coaching and Job Search Sessions

According to a recent Deloitte study (Mahto et al., 2022), ND employees contribute to increased profitability, productivity, creativity, and retention. The demand to attract and retain these employees in technology, finance, consulting, and healthcare has grown significantly in the past few years.

It is important for career practitioners to recognize and highlight their ND client’s strengths to best support their career and job search goals. These strengths may include creativity, curiosity, intelligence, problem solving, pattern recognition, desire for innovation and efficiency, and willingness to challenge the status quo. Practitioners can apply their knowledge of ND-specific traits and strengths to lead productive and effective sessions with ND clients using the following strategies.


By understanding an ND client’s communication, sensory processing, and executive functioning styles, career practitioners can create job search strategies that best leverage their strengths to address individual challenges. A second part of this article, to be published in 2024, will focus on supporting an ND client’s disclosure to employers and requests for workplace accommodations.



Diament, M. (2022, December 2). ‘Autistic’ or ‘person with autism’? It depends. Disability Scoop. https://www.disabilityscoop.com/2022/12/02/autistic-or-person-with-autism-it-depends/30154/

Gurash, N. (2023, March 1). What is stimming and why do neurodivergent people do it? Spectrum Connection Therapy. https://spectrumconnecttherapy.com/what-is-stimming-and-why-do-neurodivergent-people-do-it/

Hindman, S. A. (2022, July 6). Regulating the autonomic nervous system via sensory stimulation. Counseling Today. https://ct.counseling.org/2022/07/regulating-the-autonomic-nervous-system-via-sensory-stimulation/

Khaliq, R. (2023, August 18). A guide to neurodivergence and types of neurodiversity. MedVidi. https://medvidi.com/blog/types-of-neurodiversity

Mahto, M., Hatfield, S., Sniderman, B., & Hogan, S. K. (2022, January 18). A rising tide lifts all boats: Creating a better work environment for all by embracing neurodiversity. Deloitte Insights. https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/topics/talent/neurodiversity-in-the-workplace.html

ProblemShared. (n.d.). Neurodiversity and executive function. AXA Health. https://www.axahealth.co.uk/business/member-articles/neurodiversity/neurodiversity-and-executive-function/#

Stanborough, R. J. (2021, November 19). Autism masking: To blend or not to blend. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/autism/autism-masking#effects


Ashley CrossAshley Cross is a Global Career Development Facilitator with 10 years of career coaching experience. Ashley is nonbinary (they/she), neurodivergent, and an associate director of career services at Carnegie Mellon University, working with STEM graduate students. Ashley holds a master’s degree in mental health counseling from Rollins College and also helps therapists explore career options outside of the mental health sector. They are an active member of the MBA/Specialty Master's Career Services & Employer Association, Pennsylvania Career Development Association, and NCDA. Ashley can be reached at acrosscareers@gmail.com,  https://www.linkedin.com/in/acrosscareers/, or via her website at https://www.acrosscareers.com/

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1 Comment

Sofia Kospanos   on Tuesday 12/05/2023 at 07:35 PM

Excellent and very relevant topic that is very important in career coaching! I hope more and more career practitioners learn about neurodivergence.

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