
Identifying Quality Career Publications

By Natalie Scrimsher and Melanie Reinersman


The NCDA Career Resource Store has been open for many years because career development professionals need quality products for use in a variety of work settings. A keyword search of the store will quickly pull up a array of resources from theory books to experiential activities as well as population-specific publications. Shoppers can also chose the format that fits their style of reading: print, ebook (PDF) or online.


The NCDA Publications Development Council (PDC) coordinates the development of a high quality publications program that meets member needs, advances the field of career development, and increases the number of publications generating income for NCDA activities. This council consists of 4-5 members who are selected through an application process. Currently, the PDC has one proposal open for a coaching monograph.


Selections to Assist a Variety of Counselor and Client Needs

Almost a dozen monographs (highly detailed 100 page paperbacks on a specific subject) have been published by NCDA. The newest edition to the monograph series is the “Strengths-Based Approach to Appreciative Inquiry” (Second Edition) by Don Schutt. As the book's Preface states,

the hope is that readers of this monograph will:

·  Increase their knowledge of the potential positive impact on career assessment and intake processes, career conversations,  career planning courses and workshops, and career materials, when they are viewed through an Appreciative Inquiry lens;

·  Increase their awareness and sensitivity to the importance and impact of the language we use in the practice of delivering career services  and how the language impacts the direction of the services/ intervention;

·  Expand their repertoire of activities to utilize when working with  individuals and groups; and

·  Experience greater success in helping individuals and groups to reach their career goals by using a Strengths-Based Approach to career development. (page viii)


The "Career Knowledge Series" includes eight booklets focused on key career development competencies. Each book is between 30 and 80 pages and can be purchased independently or as a set. Practitioners who have only had one course in career development will find this series can help further develop skills in a specific competency area, such as:

  • Helping Skills
  • Training and Leading Groups
  • Career Theory
  • Assessments
  • Multicultural Populations
  • Career Information and Technological Resources
  • Employability Skills
  • Program Development


The Experiential Activities book or CD "provides 74 different experiential activities for career services providers... Each activity explains the purpose, learning objectives, and includes the theory base. It also provides the information fundamental to conducting the activity such as the needed space, group size, materials, and time. Rich discussion questions assist the reader with in debriefing the activity" (Bennett, 2017).


Another activities-focused publication is the second edition of Osborn's “Teaching Career Development” (2016). Its prolific offering of innovative strategies for delivering key components of career development makes it valuable to instructors and presenters with a wide-range of audiences (K-12, undergraduate, graduate, online, and conferences). The list of all worksheets, figures, and tables included takes up four pages! Osborn also helps readers stay up-to-date with references to current standards and new technologies.


Beyond Your Typical Shopping Experience 

The Subscriptions tab in the Career Resource Store may be new to shoppers. It offers products in an online format, i.e., once a purchase has been made, an email is sent with login instructions for accessing the product from any browser, anytime. For example, the “Career Counseling Casebook” is available by subscription, so the reader can view a list of the various cases and select which one(s) to read online. Currently, the entire purchased subscription item is available to the customer forever. In the future, NCDA will offer products that are accessible with a specific time frame, just like a magazine subscription. As new material is added in the subscriber's time frame, the product available grows. For example, the next edition of the “Counselor's Guide to Career Assessments” will be offered via subscription (expected in 2019). When a practitioner makes the purchase, for example a two-year subscription, any reviews of assessments that are completed and posted for the next two years will automatically be available to that customer for free, as part of their original purchase.


Shoppers in the Career Resource Store will need to create an account, just as other online shopping site require. NCDA members should always login after entering the store to see discounted prices. Digital Rights Management (DRM) and other security tools are solutions for managing content among buyers and non-buyers.


Future Publications

“We have a wide array of books with very unique audiences,” according to NCDA Executive Director Deneen Pennington. In the 21st century, digital formats make sense, yet there is still a place for print materials. NCDA aims to continue to offer carefully selected products that are of value to career development professionals. This article cannot adequately cover all items for sale in the Career Resource Store and practitioners are encouraged to frequently browse the website or visit the live store at the annual conference. Watch for monthly specials in the store and book reviews in the web magazine. Future publications on the topics of employee development as well as cultural competence are being planned. Please contact NCDA with any questions about product offerings.



Bennett, E. H. (2017), Experiential activities for teaching career counseling classes or facilitating career groups [Book Review]. Career Convergence. Retrieved from https://ncda.org/aws/NCDA/pt/sd/news_article/63844/_self/CC_layout_details/false


Schutt, D. A. (2018). Strengths-Based Approach to Appreciative Inquiry (Second Edition). Broken Arrow, OK: National Career Development Association.




Natalie Scrimsher has been the Membership & Publications Director for over 16 years. nscrimsher@ncda.org


Melanie Reinersman has been the Publications Development Director since 2014 and the Website Editor since 2002.

mreinersman@ncda.org or webeditor@ncda.org



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